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Command Center

Transform how people work

Solutions that change the way we communicate and collaborate. We design and deliver turnkey video wall solutions and room management for command & control, executive meeting rooms and versatile environments.


The world is having to learn new ways of working. Every day the digitalization is changing the way we communicate and collaborate, and revolutionizing the way we work. The ability for organizations to adapt is more crucial than ever.

Computer Processor

Professional control rooms to manage

building-wide A/V systems architecture

The AV control room (AVCR) is the hub of an organization’s A/V facilities and is designed to manage building-wide AV and IT systems architecture and technologies, to ensure the lines of communication remain open, security and performance is optimized and collaborative events proceed as planned.


Usually manned by full-time, often 24-hour, technical teams, the AVCR is responsible for a wide range of activities, including remote room monitoring, systems control, video recording and asset management, control and distribution of digital signage, projection and multimedia presentations, delegate voting systems as well as speaker, voice reinforcement, microphone and other presentation audio arrangements. Operating from workstation positions, the technical team may also conduct post-production work if video production and editing facilities have been included as part of the AV system and work alongside IPTV distribution and live or on demand broadcasting via the clients’ network.


For AV solutions that include audio conferencing and video conferencing systems, room booking systems, hosting and end point connections between participants and recording of meetings can also be managed using AVCR technologies.

Command Control Room designed by PSI has the ability to transform-achieving to the versatile room command center. You may be able to monitor your business's intelligent work-flow, live conferencing to smart-city IoT monitoring in one place. Every outcome pixel is surrounding by the high quality of Audio Cinematic that indulges our hearing.

Video Wall Solution
LED Wall Solution
Smart Meeting Room
Function Hall Solution
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